Monday, December 31, 2007
A - After Eve - I love that our church is a hub for awesome events!
B - Babies - This was the year of the baby. Not our baby, but lots of friends now have babies (14 couples to be exact!)
C - Chicago - Our Chicago friend is getting closer to deciding it's time to come home!
D - Doves - our neighbor has doves. There were 6 when we moved in, now there are 4.
E - Eating - As always, the Bings ate...a lot this year. Go figure. A favorite would have to be the Chocolate Evolution dessert, or perhaps some Lancaster ham mm good...
F - Friends and Fun - So many friends have come to visit us this year, and that always means lots of FUN!
G - Grandpa - Got to accompany him to the 60th reunion of the 1947 Maryland Terps football team and watch college football live for the first time since 2004.
H - Homeowners - In May, we bought our first home.
I - Ice Cream - This is the year that the Maggie Moo's obsession began (also the year the American Idol ice cream debuted).
J - Jealous? - Best Wife Ever = new flat screen TV for Christmas (that makes 2 TV "Christmas" presents for the 3 Christmases we have been married...but who's counting!)
K - KPMG Friends - So thankful for the friends that stuck with me!
L - LOST - Rocks my world...yet again...with their best season yet!
M - Mountaineers - In August we officially added one more Mountaineer to the family.
N - Nine:Thirty - With the arrival of one of the Bests to DC, a Guster concert at the 9:30 Club was in order.
O - Old - Sometimes we feel old...sometimes we are reminded that we act "old".
P - Pears - In November we learned that Husband is also allergic to pears.
Q - Quit! - As in, "Quick baking cookies before I get fat!" Husband did not understand that perfecting the chocolate chip cookie would have such dire results!
R - Red - Obviously my favorite color, now emphasised by my 2 new pairs of red shoes this year!
S - Small Groups - We said "good-bye" to one and "hello" to two other this year!
T - Ten Years - In July, Husband and I celebrated our first meeting, 10 years ago in 1997.
U - Ugly - The original paint choice for our main level was not cool.
V - Virginia Tech - In April, we all were Hokies...
W - Weekend Get-Away - We discovered Hershey Hotel...and the Circular Dining Room as an amazing weekend get-away in March...and in September...
X - X-tra Time - The new job cut my commute by 2 hours per day!
Y - Yay - We had a ton of fun this year, that deserves a big, "Yay!"
Z - Zero - As in the number of Metro rides I took in 2007 =)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I Celebrate the Day
-Relient K
With this Christmas wish is missed
The point I could convey
If only I could find the words to say to let You know
How much You've touched my life because
Here is where You're finding me
In the exact same place as New Years Eve
And from the lack of my persistency
We're less than half as close as I wanna be
And the first time that You opened Your eyes
Did You realize that You would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever?
And the first time that You opened Your eyes
Did You realize that You would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever?
And so this Christmas I'll compare
The things I've felt in prior years
To what this midnight made so clear
That You have come to meet me here
To look back
And think that
This baby would one day save me
And the hope that
That You give
That You were born so I might really live
To look back
And think that
This baby would one day save me…
And the first time that You opened Your eyes
Did You realize that you would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever?
And the first time that You opened Your eyes
Did You realize that You would be my Savior?
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever?
And I
I celebrate the day
That You were born to die
So I could one day
Pray for You to save my life
Pray for You to save my life
Pray for You to save my life
Friday, December 21, 2007
Keep checking back folks, nothing says "Merry Christmas" like the annual Christmas Google Doodle! Today is Day One. If you're not checking the blog "today" then just click on the Google logo to see the whole series of doodles. I'm not sure how long they will be posted, but they always give me a giggle.
I love Google.

Arby's, oh Arby's, how well you know me;
Open late, what a great date, for me and the Hubby.
Arby's, oh Arby's, your beef and your cheddar;
Lots of BBQ and an onion bun, what could be better!
Arby's, oh Arby's, once the new year diet begins;
We will have to say good-bye, until the craving sets in.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I guess when I start spending more money on stamps than on Christmas presents for family we will revisit the situation...but for now I think I'm okay...Husband may think otherwise, but the arrival of the new TV today is sure to cloud his judgment on my Christmas spending habits, if only for a little while.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It is a happy day knowing that this means Spider Pig can now make an appearance on the "big screen" in our home =)
Don't judge us based on the fact that The Simpsons are our guilty could be worse...we could have celebrated our anniversary by seeing the movie in the theatres.
...oh wait...we did =)
Monday, December 17, 2007
And people wonder where I get "it" from...
I love my Grandma =)
God Knows Your Fears
by Jon Walker
That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! (Luke 2:8-10 NLT)
Have you ever noticed God is always telling us to not be afraid? For instance, in the Bible, whenever an angel showed up with a message from God, the first thing the angel said is: "Do not be afraid."
There are all kinds of reasons we might be afraid to receive a message from God: We're afraid of change, afraid of losing control, afraid of sacrifice, afraid of not being good enough, afraid to face the fact that we're not good enough – and would prefer to live in our pretense.
And, I suppose, any us would be afraid if a member of the heavenly host suddenly showed up next to the receptionist at work, or in the middle of the laundry room at home. Ha!
Perhaps our fear comes from this sudden moment when we realize that what we say we believe is really true, with all the implications of what that means. Is a lukewarm faith sustainable in the face of an angel?
Our response to this is not only fear – we have a bad habit of telling ourselves: "Try harder!" It doesn't help that, frankly, there is so much Christian literature that re-enforces this "Try harder! You should be doing better!" mentality.
Yet the Good News of Great Joy is that you don't have to be good enough. You don't have to be good enough because God is enough!
The Bible teaches us to fight fear with faith – faith that Jesus will cover all our sins and shortcomings.
What does this mean?
· Replace your fear with faith – Ask God to help you. Remember, "I believe, Lord; help my unbelief." The apostle John tells us God's perfect love drives out all fear.
· Chase God, not perfection – You will never reach perfection, but Jesus, through his death and resurrection, is your perfection. God doesn't love you because you're the best kid in the class, or because you try really hard. God loves you because he loves you. Slow down, shake off your anxiety, and meditate on that.
· Expect God to speak to you in the routines of life – The shepherds weren't on some spiritual retreat seeking God. They were by their flocks, following their routine, maybe even a little bored – then suddenly …. Look for God this week as you go about your routine.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
God rest ye merry gentleman let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas day. To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray....
Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let Earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare Him room...
...and He shall reign forever and ever, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords...
What truth these songs we take for granted proclaim to an unbelieving world!
I think my favorite part, was the second to last song of the night. The Navy band was rocking out The Hallelujah Chorus full-on gospel choir-style. The audience rose to their feet clapping along with the singers. Jesus was being exalted and the Lord was being praised! Right in the heart of downtown Washington, DC, by our military and our nations people. Now you tell me our country was not built on Christian principles and through blood sweat and tears of Christian men and women wanting to worship the Lord God freely. Go on, come with me next year to this concert, sit where I sit, listen to what I am listening to...and you tell me the Spirit isn't moving in America today.
I cried. It was so beautiful to watch and to be a part of.
Hallelujah! All praise and glory to the King of Kings!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I learned a new word today.
...from of all places. Who knew!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Finally someone reports on the "other half". Those of us who do not see a need for a mortgage bailout. Thank you CNN for shedding some light onto a huge chunk of the American public. Were you surprised? I wasn't. I would say that 9 out of 10 people I have talked to about the situation are against the mortgage bailout. I had wondered why we weren't getting any recognition. It's about time...perhaps a little late...but at least our voices will be heard.
Looks like Bingham Bootcamp is becoming more and more of a necessity for the average American consumer...
Monday, December 10, 2007
This Christmas season I learned how to make my grandmother's molasses cookies. They are my favorite Christmas cookie. If you like gingersnaps, but are scared away by the crunch factor, look no further than a sweet, chewy molasses cookie.
Through this blog we have learned many things, but three of the important Rachael food-factoids have got to be:
1. love for nectarines,
2. love for peanut butter, and
3. love for molasses cookies.
Care to show a little love this holiday season?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Do not have tuna for lunch on the day you decide to try a new deodorant. Tuna and "body" are difficult smells to distinguish between at times and a snap judgement could be made about you, your lunch, your deodorant, or worse.