Tuesday, September 30, 2008


An excerpt from a recent Presidential Prayer Team newsletter:

Interestingly, some pundits are saying that this crisis has but one source—greed! Greed is a spiritual problem, not an economic one. And a spiritual problem requires a spiritual answer.
In this time of unprecedented uncertainty, we need God's intervention. We need His solution, and we need Him to reveal it in such a way that we know it's Him—and only Him—acting on our behalf.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
~ Hebrews 13:5

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
~1 Timothy 6:10

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, at least Daddy-D approves of my candidate.



I got some amazing news today, no, nothing related to my CPA exam scores....better.

Apparently I am very slow on the up-date, BUT in 2009 there will be a fourth installment in one of my Top 5 Movie Franchises. That's right kids, Fast and the Furious is releasing a new movie! Sounds like it'll be a sequel to the first two movies and a prequel to Tokyo Drift. The real kicker, the original cast will be back! Vin Diesel AND Paul Walker.

This combined with the new Terminator (staring my boy Christian Bale!) is going to make for a great 2009 movie season =)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Woman endures all for baby
By Cindy Chupack from "O, The Oprah Magazine," September 2008

Yet another reason to dislike Oprah programming perhaps? Ugh. I have a very difficult time feeling anything for this woman. I know this is not the appropriate response to this article, but I just can't help it. You and your husband kill your first baby because after only 3 months some abnormalities appear that tell the doctor that the baby "might" not make it to full-term (apparently "definitely not" was the better route?!) and then expect to be granted with the blessing of another child?

No, maybe I do feel something...I feel sorry for this woman and her husband, but not because they cannot conceive, but rather because they do not acknowledge the truth that is staring them right in the face. Of all the things they have tried, prayer or devotion to their religion is mentioned no where. I would have guessed that somewhere along the way that would have come up...how sad that no friends, family members, or co-workers have offered to pray with this family...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Jesus, The One and Only
By Beth Moore

Love me some Beth Moore. I had been far too long since I had read one of Beth's books. I love the way she tells stories, and the way her personality comes across through her writing. There are always many "huh, never thought about it that way/for that long/in that light/with that much depth" moments and I'm not sure I can pick a stand-out. I would have to say it was similar to Believing God that a read a few years ago, but not quite. Both are excellent intros into Beth Moore if you are ever interested. I definitely don't say that about just any of her books or studies. Some are not for everyone and must be driven by the need, the quest, to confront one's past head-on with full knowledge that you will be attacked by The Enemy while doing so, only because he is frightened that you will let go, and let God, rather than yourself, deal with your life.

Jesus, The One and Only is definitely a keeper and would make an awesome small group study, as well as a quiet time/devotional guide for personal study.


Smokey Mountain National Park was on the agenda for Vacation 2008. We had gotten a tip from one of our Favorite Couple's that Cades' Cove was a "must see". The weather was absolutely beautiful the day we had set aside for our mountain-adventures so we decided, not only to take FC's advice and check out Cades' Cove, but we also decided to use their favorite method of transportation, the bicycle.

Now, Husband was an avid biker in his pre-college, pre-drivers license days (the bike was traded in for a car shortly there after) and was very certain that an 11-mile bike ride would be a wonderful and relaxing adventure for us both. I, on the other hand, had no concept of exactly how far 11 miles was and so enthusiastically set-out on the "trail" behind Husband. I quickly realized that not only did my legs not operate with the same strength as Husbands, but I also did not know how to work the gears and breaks from the handle bar location. Eventually I got the hang of it...

While on the bike ride, there were two hills that required bikers to walk beside their bikes. These seemed rather odd since both were down hill. By this point I had already walked at least the equivalent of two miles on foot because I would pansy out on the up-hill climb. The second of the mandatory walks was far too intimidating for me, so I obeyed the signs and walked...Husband flew past...not walking. All the sudden I heard rustling and deer jumped out and across the road. Husband quickly jumped off his bike and grabbed the camera and took this amazing shot...

Mile 9 was when I thought I was going to die. This was not the peaceful ride I had anticipated. My legs were burning, my breathing heavy, my everything was sweaty...and we had no water (for we are not avid outdoorsman you see and had no backpack, no Nalgene bottle to strap to our bikes, nothing, nada, zilch, zip!) It was here that Husband promised a snack at the end of our adventure...now you know me, a snack always puts a little spring in my step!

It's amazing the things I will do for ice cream!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This commercial reminds me of the dating advice from my tax accounting/personal finance professor at WVU: Date #3 is the date you ask for credit rating/history. Not too soon, and not to late to run away!

PS - Don't use freecreditreport.com...it's NOT the free one =P But if you've known me for any length of time, you know that already, don't you?