Monday, December 28, 2009
What are they calling this decade anyway, the "Double-Os?" 80s, 90s, ???
Anyway, since it's not too late, here are some of my highlights from the past ten years:
This was the pinnacle of my high school education/fun. This was the year Y2K did not crash the universe. This was also the year Party of Five ended.
Graduating high school, heading to Virginia Tech...Independence was the lesson of the year. It was time and it was worth it. Scrubs became my TV obsession.
Hubby (before we were even an item) earned "friendship for life" after watching Newsies with me to celebrate my birthday....mid-July we decided that five years of friendship was sufficient and tried "dating". The move to WVU happened and dorm-life ended.
More WVU, friendships with my gals springing up all over, a mellow but good year I think.
More WVU, my first big step toward moving to the city by way of my summer internship in downtown DC, and the most crazy proposal ever (I said, "yes") pretty much sum up this year. Oh yeah, and LOST happened...
My time at WVU ends (with an amazing year of concerts!) and only a few days later The Wedding, the Big Move, and the Honeymoon. Started my first real job and quickly discovered I was in over my head.
There was a lot of traveling this year, namely for work (both of our jobs actually). Alias ends while Hubby is on travel in Australia (I did not wait for him to watch it, but rather just watched it twice!) Hurricane Cruise to Bermuda happened (and we vowed never to get an inside cabin again!) Kitty makes her way into our family and Tucker (the other one) makes his brief appearance.
Kicked off the new year with a new job and a few months later we purchased our first place. Spent most of the year pretty mellow enjoying our new home...and studying to get my CFE license. I also perfected the chocolate chip cookie this year.
The year of BBQ -- we made two trips to Tennessee during the year and for Christmas were gifted with our own smoker for the backyard. I finally got my CPA license after an intense year of studying.
The year of vacations with two cruises and a trip to the beach (with a mini-North Carolina BBQ tour thrown in there as well) made the year our last big vacation year...especially after we found out during the summer that we were expecting our first child (Baby Girl Bing expected to arrive in February 2010!)
Looking ahead, the next decade is going to be much different than this past one. We've got lots of learn up ahead, but it should be an interesting and wild ride!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
- Bitter is the New Black -- A
- Mere Christianity -- A+
- Love & Respect -- A-
- The Kite Runner -- A
- Disciples of a Godly Woman -- B
- The Book Thief -- A+
- Twilight -- A+
- New Moon -- B+
- Defending Your Faith -- A
- The Shack -- C
- Eclipse* -- A
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Me - Hot Chocolate (with peppermint schnapps if possible, though not this year); Hubby - Egg Nog
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa does not make an appearance at our house.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White lights both inside and out.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope.
5. When do you put your decorations up? The weekend after Thanksgiving...or whenever BFF-D is in town to help Hubby carry the tree up from the basement and move furniture around.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? COOKIES!!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? The outdoor Christmas lights. NOT! There, all my neuroses explained.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? 3rd or 4th the Kennedy Center...while eating my lunch before seeing The Nutcracker ballet...
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Usually.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Hubby is very particular, only red balls go on the tree. That's it (thankfully our actual tree comes complete with white lights, red berries, twigs, and pine cones on it).
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? LOVE SNOW!! Can't wait til I can ski again...Wii Skiing only for me this season.
12. Can you ice skate? Sure, can I ice skate well? No.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I have no idea, but it probably revolved around my American Girl dolls and/or massive doll house my father built for me (this thing was a beast, it was over 4 feet tall...up until middle school I could crawl through the front door...)
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Kicking off a season of celebrating the life of Christ in anticipation of celebrating Easter...I like thinking of Christmas-time as a beginning even though it happens at the end of the year...
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Cookies...all of them...unless they have fruit or nuts in them. I like my cookies with just a variety of forms of sugar and goodness thank you.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Baking cookies with Hubby closely followed by leftover ham on a leftover biscuit with my cousins post-Christmas-dinner.
17. What tops your tree? Nothing. In 4 years we have been unable to successfully find a tree topper that did not end up on the floor.
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? Giving.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
20. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? YUM!
21 Favorite Christmas Show? Show? like TV program or movie or what? I'm always partial to The Grinch and of course Hubby's traditional viewing of Opus And A Wish For Wings That, I always try to watch White Christmas and The Muppets' Christmas Carol.
22. Saddest Christmas Song? Saddest? That's interesting...Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is a tear jerker, but only really because of my love for Meet Me In St. Louis and knowing the story behind the song and the original set of lyrics...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
In the spirit of 24 (premieres in only a few weeks!!) Jack Bauer interrogates Santa =)
...probably only entertaining for 24 lovers like me =)
Monday, December 14, 2009
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I am absolutely terrible at wrapping gifts, Husband is not. If Husband will not wrap the gifts, they go in bags.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial for several reasons. Most legitimate reason, Husband's allergies. Least legitimate reason; I hate getting sap on me.
3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? After Christmas, before New Years.
5. Do you like eggnog? Eggs are one of a few foods I genuinely dispise. Eggnog contains eggs and is a consistency I cannot take....Hubby drinks the eggnog in this house.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Probably one of my American Girl dolls, Felicity.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, it's a hand-me-down.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My parents.
9. Easiest person to buy for? My grandparents.
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I'm not sure if I've ever gotten anything too terrible...
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas, Muppets Christmas Carol...anything classic Disney gang...
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually not until I get a few good ideas.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, I don't think so.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham biscuits (leftover ham, leftover biscuits, Miracle Whip....mmmm....)
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear lights.
17. Favorite Christmas song? God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We don't have to travel far, but I'm definitely looking forward to the day when Christmas is at our home!
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? We have nothing...we've tried several different things and they all end up falling off and freaking out Kitty.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? When I was a kid it was one on Christmas Even and the rest on Christmas morning. Now presents are few and far between so they happen whenever the gift giver is present.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The people who want Christmas to be politically correct. I don't ask to come to your religions festivals, but then make you change what you call them because they don't apply to me, don't complain that choose to greet you with Merry Christmas.
23. What I most love about Christmas? The great reminder of what it's all about and the start of the journey towards celebrating Easter.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
A co-worker sent me this video...I giggled.
Happy Friday =)
PS: The British Chartered Accountant is the equivalent of the American CPA.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
So I've shown this to enough people that it deserves to be put out there for the masses.
My current favorite YouTube video.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
- Read all the blogs I have been saving on GoogleReader, including going to actual websites where necessary to watch videos, etc.
- Complete all those draft emails and blogs I have sitting around just waiting for their moment in time.
- Update on-line photo albums (still no pictures from our amazing vacation...from April).
- Completely re-do my Facebook page (or delete it all together...something you never thought you'd hear from me, eh?)
- Finally place those on-line orders I keep forgetting about (like the wedding photos that have been in my Snapfish shopping cart for about a year because I can't remember which I have already printed out and which I still need).
- Download a few select songs from for the least most have made it to my running list of "Songs to Buy" (an idea I totally stole from BFF-D =P)
- Research how to hem jeans for Hubby's short little legs.
- Actually respond to friends on Twitter by signing in instead of just texting my updates.
- Add things to the Netfix queue that I might actually watch...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Many of you know of my love for the paper towel. It is my go-to cleaner of choice. Hubby has mentioned several times since we got married that he never knew a single person could use so many paper towels. Paper towels pretty much pay for our CostCo membership. Don't try and force store-brand or anything other than Bounty on me or you will have a fight.
Although not as huge as my love for paper towels, I do have a love for the infomercial. Billy Mays can and will sell just about anything, and I will watch the Shamwow commercial and be entertained everytime.
Paper Towels now have their own Shamwow-esque infocommerical on apologies for the language, but I laughed out loud at 3am while watching (sleep was over around 1:30 this morning...bummer.)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This is a photo of my and my first BFF. She taught me important things like: loving the classic musicals, appreciating both NYC and DC, the importance of tea time, real woman understand football, and you're never too old to have faith. I am so blessed that I have had twenty-six years to get to know her and thrilled to celebrate her eightieth birthday today!
Happy Birthday Grandma Jeanne!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
And I thought I couldn't love the new American Idol anymore that I already did...
one of my favs from Kris Allen...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
After a few weeks, some new dirt, a package of seeds, and a few pre-started veggie plants later (and something like 8 straight days of rain) I have the beginnings of a beautiful little garden =)
That's gonna make my daddy proud, eh?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Life Together: A Shared Life
by Rick Warren
In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most.
God intends for us to experience life together. The Bible calls this shared experience "fellowship."
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Love Is a Choice
by Rick Warren
In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most. Today's Devotional is based on this passage:
"...That you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life, and He will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (Deuteronomy 30:20 NIV).
Love is a choice and a commitment. You choose to love or you choose not to love.
Today we've bought into this myth that love is uncontrollable, that it's something that just happens to us; it's not something we control. In fact, even the language we use implies the uncontrollability of love. We say, "I fell in love," as if love is some kind of a ditch. It's like I'm walking along one day and bam!—I fell in love. I couldn't help myself.
But I have to tell you the truth: that's not love. Love doesn't just happen to you. Love is a choice and it represents a commitment.
There's no doubt about it, attraction is uncontrollable and arousal is uncontrollable. But attraction and arousal are not love. They can lead to love, but they are not love. Love is a choice.
You must choose to love God; he won't force you to love Him (Deuteronomy 30:20). You can thumb your nose at God and go a totally different way. You can destroy your life if you choose to do that. God still won't force you to love Him. Because He knows love can't be forced.
And this same principle is true about your relationships: you can choose to love others, but God won't force you to love anyone.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"You know how you have rules at home that your Mom and Dad make?"
"Yeah, like 'don't jump on my bed'?"
"Yeah, kinda. Well the government makes rules about how the Company runs our business. My job is to make sure the Company is following all the rules."
"So like what kind of rules? I don't see any beds to jump on."
The little guy who asked the question was adorable and said, "I bet they pay for candy, it's less expensive than pencils."
I wanted to hug him.
(Bonus Question: What's your favorite color? Answer: Purple.)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
As we were driving around (I have no idea where) we passed the Charm City Cakes bakery and I got to see what I can only assume was Duff's motorcycle and I think the delivery van. It was great. Getting into the actual bakery is "By Appointment Only"...and cakes start out at $500 so we did not have an appointment and had to get our dessert fix elsewhere...and boy did we ever!
Next up was Hampden. Quirky, old, and home to Dangerously Delicious Pies. We selected a Baltimore Bomb which involved the infamous Baltimore Berger cookie. We were lucky enough to get one straight from the oven and the smell was insane. When we arrived back home we cut ourselves some slices, warmed them up and tasted the most decedent pie ever. This, once again, sparked my desire to someday have a pie shop (which at one point was a cookie shop idea...may eventually be pie and cookies because really...what more perfect desserts could you want at the end of a meal?)
So on a rainy and blah Saturday I checked-off two venues off my Food Network "Someday I want to go there..." List.
Note to Self: Buying an entire pie for two people who are not beach ready, but will be leaving for the Caribbean in two weeks is not wise.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
This guy's Lego animation to Eddie Izzard's stand-up routines keep me entertained for quite sometime on Saturday.
Be aware language is not great, but with a British accent it's entertaining.
I also recommend the Death Star Canteen bit and I don't know the first thing about Star Wars.
Friday, March 13, 2009
1. Full-sized keyboard - let's face it, I text a lot.
2. No swivelling, flipping, etc. - this is what I tend to break, pretty self-explanatory.
3. Ability to sync with GoogleCalendar - for practical reasons.
4. Ability to check Gmail - for selfish reasons.
5. Picture messaging capability that includes zooming - because apparently I can't stop a list at something other than a multiple of 5.
We'll see what we can do about this list when it comes time to renew the contract...I have a feeling a Internet/data-package will be a hard-sell to Hubby =P
1. Finish reading Disciplines of a Godly Woman (a good goal considering the rest of the small group finished about a month bad). -- Apparently I have already finished...maybe "put away stack of already read books" should replace this item...
2. Put the laundry room back together from its recent renovation (which is slightly dependant on Hubby finishing said renovation).
3. Go through wedding candid photos so that I can take advantage of the Snapfish sale on 4x6 prints going on til Sunday (also dependent on the finalization of the laundry room renovation since there is currently remnants of cabinetry packaging and all the laundry room goodies blocking the doorway to the closet containing all my scrapbooking paraphernalia).
4. Make Monkey Bread...totally doable if I can convince Hubby that socializing with friends is necessary this weekend for my sanity ;-)
5. Clean the bathroom. It's time.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
1. Jack Bauer narrating the TSA Security Announcements/Instructions is a bit freaky. I admit, while he's the face of terrorist crime fighting for America, it does not necessarily instill a sense of comfort in the weary traveler. On the other hand, he IS Jack Bauer...who else is going to rid the world of terrorists, I mean come on...
2. The lady in front of me in the security line attempts to take six (no exaggeration necessary, I counted) full-sized tubes of toothpaste in her carry-on luggage. I am fairly certain, after doing a little math, that 6 tubes of toothpaste, if completely emptied into the 1-quart "zip-top bag" allowed per traveler, would overflow and still not be allowed through security. Why so much toothpaste? Perhaps she was off to visit family who had no toothpaste...but then again if you were traveling to a land with no toothpaste, wouldn't you travel with more than just a carry-on and therefore store all your over-the-limit liquids in said checked-baggage?
3. In no "real world" would eating a hamburger be acceptable before 11am. In "airport-ville" chowing down on a greasy Five Guys burger is totally acceptable at 8am...for a family of four.
4. Why do people insist on crowding around where the line will be forming to board the airplane? Each boarding pass is given a group number. If you're Group 6, why do you rush to crowd the line-forming area when Group 1 is called? What do you intend to accomplish, besides pissing off other passengers? Who wants pissed off air-travelers? I know I don't, it probably poses some sort of safety hazard.
5. I admit it. I have come to the point in my life where I am distracted by babies. I am starting to find them all adorable (it's one thing to find your family and friends children adorable, quite another to say the same thing about a my mind at least)...see Scrubs reference for a giggle. Well on one of my four flights I sat behind a small child, not quite a baby (I am not at that point where I can guess a child's age). He had black curls and was adorable. He would pop around the seat and smile at me. This was acceptable....until...towards the end of the flight the kid started sucking on the seat. That's nasty. Want to know what's nastier? He had the biggest booger I have ever seen coming out of him...while licking the seat. Ew.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
by Rick Warren
God formed every creature on this planet with a special area of expertise. Some animals run, some hop, some swim, some burrow, and some fly. Each has a particular role to play based on the way they were shaped by God. The same is true with humans. Each of us is uniquely designed, or "shaped," to do certain things.
Before architects design any new building they first ask, "What will be its purpose? How will it be used?" The intended function always determines the form of the building.
Before God created you, he decided what role he wanted you to play on earth. He planned exactly how he wanted you to serve him, and then he shaped you for those tasks. You are the way you are because you were made for a specific ministry.
The Bible says, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works" (Ephesians 2:10 NIV). Our English word "poem" comes from this Greek word translated "workmanship." You're God's handcrafted work of art. You're not an assembly-line product, mass-produced without thought. You're a custom designed, one-of-a-kind, original masterpiece.
God deliberately shaped and formed you to serve him in a way that makes your ministry unique. He carefully mixed the DNA recipe that created you. David praised God for this incredible personal attention to detail God gave in designing each of us: "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous" (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT).
Not only did God shape you before your birth, he planned every day of your life to support his shaping process. David continues, "Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" (Psalm 139:16 NLT).
This means nothing that happens in your life is insignificant. God uses all of it to mold you for your ministry to others and shape you for your service to him.
God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality, and life experiences unless he intended to use them for his glory. By identifying and understanding these factors you can discover God's will for your life.
The Bible says you are "wonderfully complex." You're a combination of many different factors: "The people I have shaped for myself will broadcast my praises" (Isaiah 43:21 NJB).
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"...we ain't proud of, in a weak moment..."
That's all it took. I knew the first two of the three songs comprising the Thursday Trainwreck to win 2009 MegaTickets. The DJs had been kind enough to let us know the three artists that would be involved since they dubbed this week's contest "that hard". The artists were going to be George Straight, Brad Paisley, and Rascal Flatts (in a "trainwreck" they play songs at the same time and you have to guess what songs are playing...the clip is only about 30 seconds long). I was like, "Phsss, I don't know anything in the last few years of George Straight." (They usually chose rather "current" tunes to "trainwreck".)
I listened. I could pick out the lyrics for George and Brad...I started singing the songs in my it. It was an older George Straight song and I was ecstatic, yet sad since I didn't hear Rascal Flatts at all and I figured the other two were so easy, people would get it in the first try. Nope.
The first round of callers...
Caller 1: Troubadour, I'm Still a Guy, and Here?
DJs: You have one correct.
Rach: I'm Still a Guy, check
Caller 2: Troubadour, Ticks, What Hurts The Most?
DJs: You also have one correct.
Rach: Seriously guys, Troubadour?! This sounds nothing like Troubadour...
I probably called about 6 times and started rang for what seemed hours. Then all the sudden, when I was about to hang up, the lady from the morning show came on the line and said, "Do you know the "trainwreck"?" I said, "I think so" and she asked me to give the songs. I did. She said, "Okay darlin', hang on a second." I started freaking. Next thing I knew I was on the air and they were bantering about how women's brains are better at multitasking and that they thought a woman was going to win (up to this point it had been all men callers apparently). It was go time. I said my 3 songs and there was screaming. Lots of screaming. The folks at the radio station went nuts...I think I was caller 5 or 6 maybe to take a guess (I had to turn my radio off). I about ran off the road (still driving at this point...probably unwise).
The winning songs:
"I Hate Everything" - George Straight
"I'm Still a Guy" - Brad Paisley
"What Hurts the Most" - Rascal Flatts
I won this:
I did it.
This is insane.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What did I download?
1) Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band (the single)
2) The Birds and the Bee Sides - Relient K (the entire album)
My apologies to Hubby should I go One-Click-Happy with and their mp3 department.*
Thanks to Hubby for getting my the iPod of my dreams and thanks to Grandma for always coming through with the birthday I just have to decide what else I want to purchase...
* Hubby insists that all mp3s be purchased from so that they will indeed be in mp3 format =P
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Free Chocolate Fondue for Two - Melting Pot
Free Bowl of Noodles - Noodles & Co.
Free Dessert - Ruby Tuesdays
Free Dinner - Texas De Brazil
$5 off - Smokey Bones
Free Appetizer or Dessert - Glory Days
Free Birthday Burger - Red Robin
Free Birthday Burrito - Qdoba
Free Ice Cream Cone - Maggie Moo's
I like birthday "season" =)
I also got a coupon for a free topping on my Ledo's pizza (yummy) and a free Tower of Onion Rings from Red Robin randomly, just to say "thanks".
Free food loves I love it!
PS - If any of these grand establishments interests you, please let me know. I would be more than willing to share my birthday season spoils with you 0=)
The new series starts Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 5:30pm. We'll be covering the following topics:
1) How can Christianity be the only way to God?
2) Isn't there truth in other world religions?
3) Is Christianity an intolerant religion?
4) What's the difference between Christianity and other religions like Islam, New Age, and Scientology?
5) What does it mean to be an atheist or agnostic?
6) And, several other topics
Don't live in the DC area? No worries, just go to around 5:30pm EST Sunday to join us =)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
So far my list includes:
Sweetwater Tavern (typically this is Hubby's B-day choice)
Melting Pot
Medieval Times (a recent ad due to a coupon I found this week)
Coastal Flatts (similar to Sweetwater, but with amazing calamari...)
Benihana (or similar Japanese steakhouse)
Texas de Brazil
Cheesecake Factory
California Pizza Kitchen
1 Dozen Cupcakes from Cupcake Heaven (ahhh)
My list is very random and not narrowed down at all. Apparently I can only choose one, although I have coupons for free stuff at several other establishments (Red Robin, Noodles & Co., etc.) those do not count =P Ugh, decisions, decisions...
The BFF-Duo of M&T (not to be confused with the bank) will be accompanying me to the Mexican restaurant of my choosing, Austin Grill, for celebratory enchiladas and margaritas, so never fear, I shall get my Mexican fix this birthday "season" ;-)
Monday, February 9, 2009
~Rick Warren
Friday, February 6, 2009
Sadly, The Simpsons have been on for so long he has seen every episode known to man. Imagine his excitement when he realized (not necessarily today, actually quite a while ago) that Wheel of Fortune was on at exactly the same time!
We are so ready to be 60+.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
1. This is my first Facebook "Note".
2. I never look like myself in photos.
3. When I was a kid I fell into the dishwasher.
4. I have never "loved" one of my haircuts.
5. I love spaghetti.
6. I miss riding horses with my dad after school.
7. I gained 35 pounds my freshman year of college.
8. I had known my husband 5 years before we decided to date.
9. Our first "date" was to a chili restaurant =)
10. I tend to randomly win things.
11. The first PG-13 movie I saw in the theaters by myself was Happy Gilmore.
12. I hate flying, elevators, and public restrooms where you have to lock yourself into a tiny dimly lit space.
13. I cannot name my favorite movie.
14. One of my dream jobs would be working for Disney.
15. I love cooking, but hate people being in my kitchen.
16. I never found my "talent" (trust me, my mother lessons, tennis lessons, golf lessons, basketball camp, swimming lessons, drum lessons, bassoon lessons, piano lessons, art classes...)
17. I hate swallowing pills.
18. I don't care who knows, my favorite pizza in the world is from Chuck E. Cheese (although Ledo's is a pretty good substitute and way more "adult" appropriate).
19. I once threw up at the zoo...children pointed and laughed.
20. The best concert I ever witnessed was the Two Hats and a Red Head Tour (Terri Clark, Brad Paisley, and Reba).
21. I love Alaska and knew when I was 13 that I would someday go back for my honeymoon (and did!)
22. I believe in absolute truth.
23. I have a serious shoe addiction.
24. I hate my nose.
25. I love roses.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
...and because I'm home, tired from shoveling, and morning the loss of my salsa...
1) Color: Purple
2) Food: Spaghetti
3) Musical Group: Relient K
4) Song Right Now: Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band
5) Movie: oddly enough this question was the topic of conversation from our last SG social gathering...for which I have crappy answers because I have too many favorites..
6) Sport: College Football
7) Season: Winter
8) Day of the Week: Saturday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: Peppermint
10) Person: Hubby
1) Current Mood: Mellow
2) Current Scent: Probably sweat (I just shoveled snow)
3) Current Clothes: sweats
4) Current Desktop: Standard-issue blue squiggles
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: old-school telephone ring
6) Current Music: No music right now...just the news (I'm a nerd)
7) Current Time: 6:39PM
8) Current Surrounding: Family room.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Sleet/Freezing Rain/Nasty
1) First Best Friend: Amber
2) First Kiss: Mike something or other...
3) First Screen Name: No clue...would probably have to ask BFF-D
4) First Pet: Buddy (cat), Nikki (dog), Bafala (horse) were all around when I came home.
5) First Piercing: My ears, I was in second grade. One fell out at school and I was too scared to put it back in I was a moron and took out the other one. The holes closed. I was a pansy until my 19th birthday when I decided to give it another go.
6) First Crush: Probably that Mike kid I kissed...
7) First Music: The first music I remember was my father singing "Hey Good Lookin'" in the kitchen of our house.
8) First Car: Mercury Sable. It looked like a giant green turd.
1) Last Class: Becker CPA Review class for FAR...ew.
2) Last Drink: Water.
3) Last Trip: September
4) Last Kiss: Hubby's forehead when I left for work
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My mother
7) Last CD Played: Brad Paisley - 5th Gear
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? Yes.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Oh geez...=P
3) Have you ever been arrested? No.
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No.
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: My favorite skiing socks...if I can't go skiing, at least I'll wear my socks =P
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed that I am not the only person on the planet that hates "Jack and Kate Plus 8".
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: That my profession does not lend itself to snow days.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Peanut Butter (this recall is KILLING ME!)
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: browse Facebook.
1) Western Caribbean
2) Canadian Rockies
3) Somewhere Hubby really wants to go (where ever that might be)
4) I always suck at this question...
Since I decided long ago that no one person should know everything these three people, when put together know everything/anything there is to know...
1) Hubby
2) Dennis
3) Tessa
1) Black or White? Black
2) Hot or Cold? Cold
1) Live in a way that would make my Father proud.
1) Color: Blue/Gray - the color of the sky before a storm and a little lighter than RB's basement
2) Food: I have a Chipotle (Fajita bowl, no beans, steak, half of a spoonful of mild salsa, little bit of cheese and a little bit of lettuce) problem and may soon be in the need of an intervention.
3) Musical Group: Lately I'm really enjoying Mates of State.
4) Song Right Now: Vegetable Car - Joshua Radin
5) Movie: The Wizard of Oz
6) Sport: What is this "sport" of which you speak?
7) Season: Fall
8) Day of the Week: Wednesday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: In the category of "no longer exists" - Ben and Jerry's "One Sweet Whirled". In the category of "exists until the end of time" - Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia"
10) Person: My brother
1) Current Mood: I'm at work and it's snowing.
2) Current Scent: Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion
3) Current Clothes: Black sweater, white shirt, grey pants, black flats.
4) Current Desktop: It kind of looks like the island where the O6 are "discovered". Mumbata?
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: It's on vibrate. Almost always on vibrate. Or silent.
6) Current Music: Well, now I have "Like a Vibration" by the Whigs in my head.
7) Current Time: 2:40PM
8) Current Surrounding: The U shaped desk of my secretarial station.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Snow. Too much snow. Eventually ice.
1) First Best Friend: Danielle...we had the same birthday, but I don't remember her last name.
2) First Kiss: Michael Mazon. In the backyard of the abandoned house.
3) First Screen Name: LYLAC4246 (Love Ya Like A Crazy from The Big Comfy Couch. The most awesome children's show ever. I was in junior high at the time.)
4) First Pet: Midnight the cat who could yell louder than anyone/thing I've known since.
5) First Piercing: My ears. I was 6. It hurt a lot so I waited an hour between ears.
6) First Crush: Mikey. (I loved Mike's when I was little...) He had a red "suit" jacket that he wore for our Christmas show (kindergarten) and brown hair and was soooo cute.
7) First Music: It was either The Dirty Dancing soundtrack or the Godspell soundtrack that I had on cassette first...
8) First Car: 1991 Dodge Spirit which occasionally didn't start. Like on the way home from Virginia.
1) Last Class: Intro to Law
2) Last Drink: water. I'm making it a goal to drink 2 liters of water a day. So far (two weeks), so good.
3) Last Trip: Ummm...Pittsburgh?
4) Last Kiss: My grandmother. Through her tears as she said goodbye. I hate that she always cries when I leave.
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My brother
7) Last CD Played: Beyonce - I Am....Sasha Fierce. Shut up. My co-worker burned it for me.
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? That would depend on your definition of dating. I had a little trouble defining that word in the past.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Does it count if I watched from the back seat of my friend's car as they illegally set off fireworks in the middle of suburban streets? I was merely a spectator.
3) Have you ever been arrested? No, but I have been a passenger in a car that was running from the cops (see Number 2).
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No. But oddly enough they encouraged that sort of thing at camp...(on girls night.)
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes. I was awesome. At sitting and listening to someone read a story.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: A thumb ring with two hearts, one of which frames my favorite freckle.
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed documents in the vault.
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: Talking. So much talking.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Books
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: Sleep. Or obsessively check google reader. (Where I got this.)
1) London
2) France
3) Scotland
4) Everywhere else
1) I seem to have fallen into a phase where I'm not really telling anybody anything...
1) Black or White? Gray
2) Hot or Cold? Cool.
1) Publish a book and marry a Scotsman (they go together as one dream)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Oddly enough, pivot tables also remind me of one particular Friends episode where Ross ends up screaming "Pi-vot!" as they are trying to move a couch (somewhere) and are having great difficultly turning the various corners they encounter. This makes me smile in the midst of my frustrations.
Friday, January 16, 2009
In light of the upcoming administration, and in consideration for those that may not share my political views, all political ramblings will be heading to a new blog.
You're welcome.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ask and ye shall receive ;-)
His birthday is in a few weeks and I just got this email from my grandma:
Grandpa gave me this list and asked me to send it to everyone. Here goes:
Presents optional (cards welcome)
Chai (tea)
Nose clippers
Movie - dvd
McDonald's card
Computer paper
Shaving Cream
4-Blade razors