So this is going around Facebook, etc. and I am bored =P I did not "tag" steps, baby steps ;-)
25 Random Things About Me
1. This is my first Facebook "Note".
2. I never look like myself in photos.
3. When I was a kid I fell into the dishwasher.
4. I have never "loved" one of my haircuts.
5. I love spaghetti.
6. I miss riding horses with my dad after school.
7. I gained 35 pounds my freshman year of college.
8. I had known my husband 5 years before we decided to date.
9. Our first "date" was to a chili restaurant =)
10. I tend to randomly win things.
11. The first PG-13 movie I saw in the theaters by myself was Happy Gilmore.
12. I hate flying, elevators, and public restrooms where you have to lock yourself into a tiny dimly lit space.
13. I cannot name my favorite movie.
14. One of my dream jobs would be working for Disney.
15. I love cooking, but hate people being in my kitchen.
16. I never found my "talent" (trust me, my mother lessons, tennis lessons, golf lessons, basketball camp, swimming lessons, drum lessons, bassoon lessons, piano lessons, art classes...)
17. I hate swallowing pills.
18. I don't care who knows, my favorite pizza in the world is from Chuck E. Cheese (although Ledo's is a pretty good substitute and way more "adult" appropriate).
19. I once threw up at the zoo...children pointed and laughed.
20. The best concert I ever witnessed was the Two Hats and a Red Head Tour (Terri Clark, Brad Paisley, and Reba).
21. I love Alaska and knew when I was 13 that I would someday go back for my honeymoon (and did!)
22. I believe in absolute truth.
23. I have a serious shoe addiction.
24. I hate my nose.
25. I love roses.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Since I am a copycat (which may in all honesty be two words as opposed to one) I shall play this little game...
...and because I'm home, tired from shoveling, and morning the loss of my salsa...
1) Color: Purple
2) Food: Spaghetti
3) Musical Group: Relient K
4) Song Right Now: Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band
5) Movie: oddly enough this question was the topic of conversation from our last SG social gathering...for which I have crappy answers because I have too many favorites..
6) Sport: College Football
7) Season: Winter
8) Day of the Week: Saturday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: Peppermint
10) Person: Hubby
1) Current Mood: Mellow
2) Current Scent: Probably sweat (I just shoveled snow)
3) Current Clothes: sweats
4) Current Desktop: Standard-issue blue squiggles
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: old-school telephone ring
6) Current Music: No music right now...just the news (I'm a nerd)
7) Current Time: 6:39PM
8) Current Surrounding: Family room.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Sleet/Freezing Rain/Nasty
1) First Best Friend: Amber
2) First Kiss: Mike something or other...
3) First Screen Name: No clue...would probably have to ask BFF-D
4) First Pet: Buddy (cat), Nikki (dog), Bafala (horse) were all around when I came home.
5) First Piercing: My ears, I was in second grade. One fell out at school and I was too scared to put it back in I was a moron and took out the other one. The holes closed. I was a pansy until my 19th birthday when I decided to give it another go.
6) First Crush: Probably that Mike kid I kissed...
7) First Music: The first music I remember was my father singing "Hey Good Lookin'" in the kitchen of our house.
8) First Car: Mercury Sable. It looked like a giant green turd.
1) Last Class: Becker CPA Review class for FAR...ew.
2) Last Drink: Water.
3) Last Trip: September
4) Last Kiss: Hubby's forehead when I left for work
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My mother
7) Last CD Played: Brad Paisley - 5th Gear
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? Yes.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Oh geez...=P
3) Have you ever been arrested? No.
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No.
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: My favorite skiing socks...if I can't go skiing, at least I'll wear my socks =P
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed that I am not the only person on the planet that hates "Jack and Kate Plus 8".
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: That my profession does not lend itself to snow days.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Peanut Butter (this recall is KILLING ME!)
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: browse Facebook.
1) Western Caribbean
2) Canadian Rockies
3) Somewhere Hubby really wants to go (where ever that might be)
4) I always suck at this question...
Since I decided long ago that no one person should know everything these three people, when put together know everything/anything there is to know...
1) Hubby
2) Dennis
3) Tessa
1) Black or White? Black
2) Hot or Cold? Cold
1) Live in a way that would make my Father proud.
...and because I'm home, tired from shoveling, and morning the loss of my salsa...
1) Color: Purple
2) Food: Spaghetti
3) Musical Group: Relient K
4) Song Right Now: Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band
5) Movie: oddly enough this question was the topic of conversation from our last SG social gathering...for which I have crappy answers because I have too many favorites..
6) Sport: College Football
7) Season: Winter
8) Day of the Week: Saturday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: Peppermint
10) Person: Hubby
1) Current Mood: Mellow
2) Current Scent: Probably sweat (I just shoveled snow)
3) Current Clothes: sweats
4) Current Desktop: Standard-issue blue squiggles
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: old-school telephone ring
6) Current Music: No music right now...just the news (I'm a nerd)
7) Current Time: 6:39PM
8) Current Surrounding: Family room.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Sleet/Freezing Rain/Nasty
1) First Best Friend: Amber
2) First Kiss: Mike something or other...
3) First Screen Name: No clue...would probably have to ask BFF-D
4) First Pet: Buddy (cat), Nikki (dog), Bafala (horse) were all around when I came home.
5) First Piercing: My ears, I was in second grade. One fell out at school and I was too scared to put it back in I was a moron and took out the other one. The holes closed. I was a pansy until my 19th birthday when I decided to give it another go.
6) First Crush: Probably that Mike kid I kissed...
7) First Music: The first music I remember was my father singing "Hey Good Lookin'" in the kitchen of our house.
8) First Car: Mercury Sable. It looked like a giant green turd.
1) Last Class: Becker CPA Review class for FAR...ew.
2) Last Drink: Water.
3) Last Trip: September
4) Last Kiss: Hubby's forehead when I left for work
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My mother
7) Last CD Played: Brad Paisley - 5th Gear
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? Yes.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Oh geez...=P
3) Have you ever been arrested? No.
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No.
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: My favorite skiing socks...if I can't go skiing, at least I'll wear my socks =P
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed that I am not the only person on the planet that hates "Jack and Kate Plus 8".
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: That my profession does not lend itself to snow days.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Peanut Butter (this recall is KILLING ME!)
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: browse Facebook.
1) Western Caribbean
2) Canadian Rockies
3) Somewhere Hubby really wants to go (where ever that might be)
4) I always suck at this question...
Since I decided long ago that no one person should know everything these three people, when put together know everything/anything there is to know...
1) Hubby
2) Dennis
3) Tessa
1) Black or White? Black
2) Hot or Cold? Cold
1) Live in a way that would make my Father proud.
1) Color: Blue/Gray - the color of the sky before a storm and a little lighter than RB's basement
2) Food: I have a Chipotle (Fajita bowl, no beans, steak, half of a spoonful of mild salsa, little bit of cheese and a little bit of lettuce) problem and may soon be in the need of an intervention.
3) Musical Group: Lately I'm really enjoying Mates of State.
4) Song Right Now: Vegetable Car - Joshua Radin
5) Movie: The Wizard of Oz
6) Sport: What is this "sport" of which you speak?
7) Season: Fall
8) Day of the Week: Wednesday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: In the category of "no longer exists" - Ben and Jerry's "One Sweet Whirled". In the category of "exists until the end of time" - Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia"
10) Person: My brother
1) Current Mood: I'm at work and it's snowing.
2) Current Scent: Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion
3) Current Clothes: Black sweater, white shirt, grey pants, black flats.
4) Current Desktop: It kind of looks like the island where the O6 are "discovered". Mumbata?
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: It's on vibrate. Almost always on vibrate. Or silent.
6) Current Music: Well, now I have "Like a Vibration" by the Whigs in my head.
7) Current Time: 2:40PM
8) Current Surrounding: The U shaped desk of my secretarial station.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Snow. Too much snow. Eventually ice.
1) First Best Friend: Danielle...we had the same birthday, but I don't remember her last name.
2) First Kiss: Michael Mazon. In the backyard of the abandoned house.
3) First Screen Name: LYLAC4246 (Love Ya Like A Crazy from The Big Comfy Couch. The most awesome children's show ever. I was in junior high at the time.)
4) First Pet: Midnight the cat who could yell louder than anyone/thing I've known since.
5) First Piercing: My ears. I was 6. It hurt a lot so I waited an hour between ears.
6) First Crush: Mikey. (I loved Mike's when I was little...) He had a red "suit" jacket that he wore for our Christmas show (kindergarten) and brown hair and was soooo cute.
7) First Music: It was either The Dirty Dancing soundtrack or the Godspell soundtrack that I had on cassette first...
8) First Car: 1991 Dodge Spirit which occasionally didn't start. Like on the way home from Virginia.
1) Last Class: Intro to Law
2) Last Drink: water. I'm making it a goal to drink 2 liters of water a day. So far (two weeks), so good.
3) Last Trip: Ummm...Pittsburgh?
4) Last Kiss: My grandmother. Through her tears as she said goodbye. I hate that she always cries when I leave.
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My brother
7) Last CD Played: Beyonce - I Am....Sasha Fierce. Shut up. My co-worker burned it for me.
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? That would depend on your definition of dating. I had a little trouble defining that word in the past.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Does it count if I watched from the back seat of my friend's car as they illegally set off fireworks in the middle of suburban streets? I was merely a spectator.
3) Have you ever been arrested? No, but I have been a passenger in a car that was running from the cops (see Number 2).
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No. But oddly enough they encouraged that sort of thing at camp...(on girls night.)
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes. I was awesome. At sitting and listening to someone read a story.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: A thumb ring with two hearts, one of which frames my favorite freckle.
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed documents in the vault.
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: Talking. So much talking.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Books
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: Sleep. Or obsessively check google reader. (Where I got this.)
1) London
2) France
3) Scotland
4) Everywhere else
1) I seem to have fallen into a phase where I'm not really telling anybody anything...
1) Black or White? Gray
2) Hot or Cold? Cool.
1) Publish a book and marry a Scotsman (they go together as one dream)
1) Color: Blue/Gray - the color of the sky before a storm and a little lighter than RB's basement
2) Food: I have a Chipotle (Fajita bowl, no beans, steak, half of a spoonful of mild salsa, little bit of cheese and a little bit of lettuce) problem and may soon be in the need of an intervention.
3) Musical Group: Lately I'm really enjoying Mates of State.
4) Song Right Now: Vegetable Car - Joshua Radin
5) Movie: The Wizard of Oz
6) Sport: What is this "sport" of which you speak?
7) Season: Fall
8) Day of the Week: Wednesday
9) Ice Cream Flavor: In the category of "no longer exists" - Ben and Jerry's "One Sweet Whirled". In the category of "exists until the end of time" - Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia"
10) Person: My brother
1) Current Mood: I'm at work and it's snowing.
2) Current Scent: Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion
3) Current Clothes: Black sweater, white shirt, grey pants, black flats.
4) Current Desktop: It kind of looks like the island where the O6 are "discovered". Mumbata?
5) Current Ringtone on Cell Phone: It's on vibrate. Almost always on vibrate. Or silent.
6) Current Music: Well, now I have "Like a Vibration" by the Whigs in my head.
7) Current Time: 2:40PM
8) Current Surrounding: The U shaped desk of my secretarial station.
9) Current Event Happening Today: Snow. Too much snow. Eventually ice.
1) First Best Friend: Danielle...we had the same birthday, but I don't remember her last name.
2) First Kiss: Michael Mazon. In the backyard of the abandoned house.
3) First Screen Name: LYLAC4246 (Love Ya Like A Crazy from The Big Comfy Couch. The most awesome children's show ever. I was in junior high at the time.)
4) First Pet: Midnight the cat who could yell louder than anyone/thing I've known since.
5) First Piercing: My ears. I was 6. It hurt a lot so I waited an hour between ears.
6) First Crush: Mikey. (I loved Mike's when I was little...) He had a red "suit" jacket that he wore for our Christmas show (kindergarten) and brown hair and was soooo cute.
7) First Music: It was either The Dirty Dancing soundtrack or the Godspell soundtrack that I had on cassette first...
8) First Car: 1991 Dodge Spirit which occasionally didn't start. Like on the way home from Virginia.
1) Last Class: Intro to Law
2) Last Drink: water. I'm making it a goal to drink 2 liters of water a day. So far (two weeks), so good.
3) Last Trip: Ummm...Pittsburgh?
4) Last Kiss: My grandmother. Through her tears as she said goodbye. I hate that she always cries when I leave.
5) Last Movie Seen at the Theater: Bride Wars
6) Last Phone Call: My brother
7) Last CD Played: Beyonce - I Am....Sasha Fierce. Shut up. My co-worker burned it for me.
1) Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? That would depend on your definition of dating. I had a little trouble defining that word in the past.
2) Have you ever broken the law? Does it count if I watched from the back seat of my friend's car as they illegally set off fireworks in the middle of suburban streets? I was merely a spectator.
3) Have you ever been arrested? No, but I have been a passenger in a car that was running from the cops (see Number 2).
4) Have you ever skinny-dipped? No. But oddly enough they encouraged that sort of thing at camp...(on girls night.)
5) Have you ever been on TV? Yes. I was awesome. At sitting and listening to someone read a story.
6) Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? No.
1) 1 thing you're wearing: A thumb ring with two hearts, one of which frames my favorite freckle.
2) 1 thing you've done today: Confirmed documents in the vault.
3) 1 thing you're bothered by: Talking. So much talking.
4) 1 thing you can't live without: Books
5) 1 thing you do when you're bored: Sleep. Or obsessively check google reader. (Where I got this.)
1) London
2) France
3) Scotland
4) Everywhere else
1) I seem to have fallen into a phase where I'm not really telling anybody anything...
1) Black or White? Gray
2) Hot or Cold? Cool.
1) Publish a book and marry a Scotsman (they go together as one dream)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Pivot tables invoke a lot of frustration for me. Call it ignorance, but I think they are ridiculous. Why would you create a pivot table using information pulled from a database? Why not just create a better query in your database to give you the report you want?
Oddly enough, pivot tables also remind me of one particular Friends episode where Ross ends up screaming "Pi-vot!" as they are trying to move a couch (somewhere) and are having great difficultly turning the various corners they encounter. This makes me smile in the midst of my frustrations.
Oddly enough, pivot tables also remind me of one particular Friends episode where Ross ends up screaming "Pi-vot!" as they are trying to move a couch (somewhere) and are having great difficultly turning the various corners they encounter. This makes me smile in the midst of my frustrations.
Friday, January 16, 2009
In only a few days everything will change, symbolically at least. Sure there may not be immediate or direct impacts on my daily life, but things will change. There will be change in late-night TV monologues. Change in national news coverage. Change in the local DC scene. Will it all be positive change? Eh. Change I support? Not really. Change I trust? Definitely not. Change I will participate in with the droves on Tuesday? Ugh...I'd much rather just wait for the Will Smith movie adaptation.
In light of the upcoming administration, and in consideration for those that may not share my political views, all political ramblings will be heading to a new blog.
You're welcome.
In light of the upcoming administration, and in consideration for those that may not share my political views, all political ramblings will be heading to a new blog.
You're welcome.
Friday, January 9, 2009
So remember my grandfather's Christmas wish list? Well here's a shot of him opening his Christmas presents:

Ask and ye shall receive ;-)
His birthday is in a few weeks and I just got this email from my grandma:
Grandpa gave me this list and asked me to send it to everyone. Here goes:
Presents optional (cards welcome)
Chai (tea)
Nose clippers
Movie - dvd
McDonald's card
Computer paper
Shaving Cream
4-Blade razors
Ask and ye shall receive ;-)
His birthday is in a few weeks and I just got this email from my grandma:
Grandpa gave me this list and asked me to send it to everyone. Here goes:
Presents optional (cards welcome)
Chai (tea)
Nose clippers
Movie - dvd
McDonald's card
Computer paper
Shaving Cream
4-Blade razors
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
FYI: I love spaghetti.
Today I got to do something I haven't done in at least 3 1/2 years. I made spaghetti and dumped the warm sauce into the drained noodles and mixed it all together before dumping onto my plate. YUM! This is one of my absolutely favorite ways to have spaghetti (the other being with "meat" sauce...which Hubby thinks is more like chili than meat sauce. but whatever, it's amazing and since when did he think there could ever be too much meat?!) I love that it looks more like Spaghetti-Os or something...everyone gets covered in sauce, no bare noodles here!
Hubby thinks it's gross when I stir my spaghetti, hence not having enjoyed this amazing concoction until now (...although why haven't I thought of this entire month Hubby was in Australia?!)
Today I got to do something I haven't done in at least 3 1/2 years. I made spaghetti and dumped the warm sauce into the drained noodles and mixed it all together before dumping onto my plate. YUM! This is one of my absolutely favorite ways to have spaghetti (the other being with "meat" sauce...which Hubby thinks is more like chili than meat sauce. but whatever, it's amazing and since when did he think there could ever be too much meat?!) I love that it looks more like Spaghetti-Os or something...everyone gets covered in sauce, no bare noodles here!
Hubby thinks it's gross when I stir my spaghetti, hence not having enjoyed this amazing concoction until now (...although why haven't I thought of this entire month Hubby was in Australia?!)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
"Well I know this crush ain't goin' away..."
This new year I have been listening to XM online at work. This is quite a change from my normal radio/iPod programming. I listen to different music "pop". I have learned several things in only two days of listening in at work:
1. Love the limited commericals.
2. Love that my presets will tell me what song is playing at any given time.
3. I know 85% of the lyrics to Womanizer.
4. I think I love Beyonce...
5. Pink still exists.
Bonus: Dancing in one's cube is unacceptable...singing even more so...especially songs with some of the strange lyrics out there...
This new year I have been listening to XM online at work. This is quite a change from my normal radio/iPod programming. I listen to different music "pop". I have learned several things in only two days of listening in at work:
1. Love the limited commericals.
2. Love that my presets will tell me what song is playing at any given time.
3. I know 85% of the lyrics to Womanizer.
4. I think I love Beyonce...
5. Pink still exists.
Bonus: Dancing in one's cube is unacceptable...singing even more so...especially songs with some of the strange lyrics out there...
Friday, January 2, 2009
So, I'm absolutely terrible at memorization (as evidence by the sheer length of time it took me to pass the CPA Exam.) This morning, the e-devotional I received made me smile. This/these were the verse I selected for my January 1 - January 14 Challenge with Beth Moore and the gang at Living Proof.
I like it when God smiles and in turn, makes me smile =)
How to Be Thankful in Tough Times
by Rick Warren
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
*** *** *** ***
1. Don’t worry about anything. Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing without doing. There’s no such thing as born worriers; worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That’s good news. The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned. Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34 NLT).
2. Pray about everything. Use the time you’ve spent worrying for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you’d have a whole lot less to worry about. Some people think God only cares about religious things, such as how many people I invite to church or my tithing. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He’s interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.
3. Thank God in all things. Whenever you pray, you should always pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love, but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities; it makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied; it’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.
4. Think about the right things. If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must change the way you think. The way you think determines how you feel, and the way you feel determines how you act. So if you want to change your life, you need to change what you’re thinking about.
This involves a deliberate, conscious choice where you change the channels. You choose to think about the right things: focus on the positive and on God’s Word. Why? Because the root cause of stress is the way you choose to think.
When we no longer worry, when we pray about everything, when we give thanks, when we focus on the right things, the apostle Paul tells us the result is, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 NLT).
What a guarantee! He is guaranteeing peace of mind.
I like it when God smiles and in turn, makes me smile =)
How to Be Thankful in Tough Times
by Rick Warren
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
*** *** *** ***
1. Don’t worry about anything. Worrying doesn’t change anything. It’s stewing without doing. There’s no such thing as born worriers; worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That’s good news. The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned. Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34 NLT).
2. Pray about everything. Use the time you’ve spent worrying for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you’d have a whole lot less to worry about. Some people think God only cares about religious things, such as how many people I invite to church or my tithing. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He’s interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.
3. Thank God in all things. Whenever you pray, you should always pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love, but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities; it makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They’re never satisfied; it’s never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.
4. Think about the right things. If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must change the way you think. The way you think determines how you feel, and the way you feel determines how you act. So if you want to change your life, you need to change what you’re thinking about.
This involves a deliberate, conscious choice where you change the channels. You choose to think about the right things: focus on the positive and on God’s Word. Why? Because the root cause of stress is the way you choose to think.
When we no longer worry, when we pray about everything, when we give thanks, when we focus on the right things, the apostle Paul tells us the result is, “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7 NLT).
What a guarantee! He is guaranteeing peace of mind.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
In 2009 I resolve to:
- Finish reading one book per month.
- Organize my scrapbooking "stash" into something more usable and less intimidating.
- Find my goal weight and enjoy it for at least one trip to someplace requiring the use of a bathing suit.
- Perfect the snickerdoodle cookie.
- Not be so judgemental and hold back from cleaning other people's kitchens while visiting (you may think, "she's talking about me, just me" but's happened in probably dozens of kitchens spanning multiple states).
- Memorize more scripture (with some encouragement from Beth and the gals at Living Proof).
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