Thursday, June 25, 2009


So North Carolina has started a new program to help decrease the number of teenage mothers in the state.  In a nutshell, girls go to weekly meetings and are given $7 each week (placed directly into a college savings fund) that they have not gotten pregnant that particular week.
Obviously critics on both sides of the "abstinence only" and "contraception education" debate are speaking out.  Weekly meetings cover both abstinence and contraception education (a wise decision in my opinion) which never leaves 100% of the general public satisfied.  You've got folks who think rewarding "good behavior" is not the way to go (although the argument put forth which likened this program to one which paid kids to not smoke pot seems unfounded.  If cops were tougher on illegal drugs, people would reassess the risk of smoking pot, not if they were given $1 per day not to smoke it...if it's illegal, you shouldn't need to be rewarded for following that particular law if the threat of punishment for breaking it is real...but that's another issue isn't it?)  You've got other folks that see this as the best thing since sliced bread, what a way to get more ladies into college (nevermind the fact that some, like the vast majority of college entrants today have no clue why they are in school, are not going to college to learn a "trade" (and yes, I consider my accounting degree "learning a trade") and will probably get a job post-college that does not require a college degree (and you wonder why tuition prices are sky-rocketing...if flipping everyone didn't go to college to the point where college turn away kids because they physically cannot accommodate any more bodies, college tuition prices would become more competitive again.  And what does competition do to prices in a state where demand decreases?  That's right, it lowers them.  Thanks for following along, if only the current Administration understood basic economics....again another issue, another time...)
I say, "It's better than nothing." 
Sure it places way too much emphasis on pregnancy being the only "bad" outcome to promiscuity (nevermind the slew of diseases you are exposing yourself to, your reputation, your self-respect, etc.) but then again, if it cuts down on the number of abortions performed in North Carolina, perhaps other states would use this type of program to help put those clinics and "doctors" out of business for good (obviously something I would champion).  A girl can dream, can't she?
I'll be interested to see how this whole thing pans out...
As with most things, it all goes back to my father's Life Advice:
There are two things that will "ruin" your life forever, and here's what you do about them:
1.  Pay your credit cards off every month in full.
2.  You'll have to ask your mother about #2...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Better Off Ted returns tonight with new summer episodes.  Such a bright light for the summer TV viewing tunnel.  You should watch, especially if you, your friends, family, brief acquaintances, or flat out anyone near you works for a large corporation/defence contractor/entity-posed-to-take-over-the-world.
I shall be watching this evening to prepare myself...with the hilarious Racial Sensitivity episode.
Don't judge me, although I may judge you if you don't chuckle...we're probably not really friends if that's the case...
Happy Tuesday!


Do you ever wish that you could have a day devote to the world-wide-web?  A day that you had only one goal in mind, cleaning up your little piece of the Internet (yes, that's right, it stems from my quest to organize everything in sight =P).
I do. 
And here's how I would use that day...
  • Read all the blogs I have been saving on GoogleReader, including going to actual websites where necessary to watch videos, etc.
  • Complete all those draft emails and blogs I have sitting around just waiting for their moment in time.
  • Update on-line photo albums (still no pictures from our amazing vacation...from April).
  • Completely re-do my Facebook page (or delete it all together...something you never thought you'd hear from me, eh?)
  • Finally place those on-line orders I keep forgetting about (like the wedding photos that have been in my Snapfish shopping cart for about a year because I can't remember which I have already printed out and which I still need).
  • Download a few select songs from for the least most have made it to my running list of "Songs to Buy" (an idea I totally stole from BFF-D =P)
  • Research how to hem jeans for Hubby's short little legs.
  • Actually respond to friends on Twitter by signing in instead of just texting my updates.
  • Add things to the Netfix queue that I might actually watch...
So many things to my Internet To Do List...maybe if I got my leg amputated or something I would have to sit on the couch all day and have no choice but to chug through my list...granted, that's pretty extreme...perhaps someday we just need a second laptop so Hubby can read and watch YouTube videos about preparing meat for the smoker and I can work on my list =P

Monday, June 22, 2009


Rach: My low tire pressure light went off this morning. I took a walk around the car and everything looked fine...kicked the tires...nothing I drove to work.
Hubby: Out of curiosity, what did you expect to happen when you kicked the tires? For them to wake up and magically inflate on their own?
Obviously I don't have magical tires...but that would be awesome...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So this is pretty much my worst nightmare:,2933,525520,00.html?mrp
Is nothing scared...a recall on hand sanitizer?!
Never fear, I am a loyal Purell user and have never even heard of some of the brands mentioned...I am not a frequent buyer of off-brand hand sanitizer...just seems wrong.


Many of you know of my love for the paper towel. It is my go-to cleaner of choice. Hubby has mentioned several times since we got married that he never knew a single person could use so many paper towels. Paper towels pretty much pay for our CostCo membership. Don't try and force store-brand or anything other than Bounty on me or you will have a fight.

Although not as huge as my love for paper towels, I do have a love for the infomercial. Billy Mays can and will sell just about anything, and I will watch the Shamwow commercial and be entertained everytime.

Paper Towels now have their own Shamwow-esque infocommerical on apologies for the language, but I laughed out loud at 3am while watching (sleep was over around 1:30 this morning...bummer.)
