Saturday, November 6, 2010


Top 10 New Household Phrases of 2010
  1. "It's too early, I just turned the monitor off..."
  2. "I don't think Kitty wants to play right now."
  3. "Why am I wet?"
  4. "Are you hungry again already?" (Okay, this one isn't new, the person who this is directly at, she's new.)
  5. "Pat the bunny, don't rip him in half and try to eat him!"
  6. "Please stop crying, I can't hear the TV."
  7. "When are you going to have teeth?"
  8. "What's wrong, that is an awful noise?!" or another variation, "Why are you crying? Who made you so sad?"
  9. "Ew gross, don't lick that!"
  10. "It wasn't me, that was her!"