Thursday, October 25, 2007


So my car *almost* got towed Tuesday night. Not cool. I was shocked when I saw five guys standing around the parking lot with two tow trucks and two cars getting loaded onto them. Why it required so many guys, I have no idea. Three of them were tow-truck guys and two were HOA rent-a-cops. Still far too many men if you ask me...were they planning on lifting the cars onto the trucks using only their brute strength?

In the end the guys laughed at me and my nonsensical question of "How do I get my car off of there?" (In my defense, they had done *something* to the car and started walking away saying, "You're free to go now." after I handed them $25 cash...which I'm sure is not technically policy...I could continue, but for the sake of boring my few readers I will not elaborate.) And of course when it was over and I was safe and sound in my car I burst into uncontrollable sobbing tears and called Hubby. I cried for a good 20 was ridiculous and I just couldn't stop.

One of my gals informed me that all tow truck men are mean. This is how she thinks the interview for being a tow-truck man goes:

"I want to be a tow-guy."
"Well are you a douche-bag?"
"Yes I am!"
"Okay, you're in."

Perhaps my tears would have turned into giggles more quickly if I had known this prior to Tuesday night.

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