Saturday, November 24, 2007


The tree in our back yard was a brilliant red/orange when we left on Wednesday. When we returned, it was naked. Of course being the anal people that we are the next day we "needed" to rake the leaves. It was my job to put the pile of leaves into a giant paper bag for the trash guys. I could fit inside the paper bag, that's how big this thing was...and yes...I tried and that is how I know. Getting the HUGE pile of leaves (hard to believe it was only from one tree...very strange...) into the bag was no easy task. It was cold, and a little windy...and the leaves filled up the bag too quickly. Every other "scoop" we'd have to pack down the leaves. I was not good at this packing. Husband would stick his little hands inside the bag and it was like the leaves were scared and ran away from him. Me, notsomuch. I would push the leaves down and seconds later they would spring back up as if to say, "haha, we're not afraid of you missy!"

After expressing my frustrations to Husband, he had the following (very Husband) suggestion:

"You have to create the maximum surface area possible with your hands."

I took this to mean, "spread your fingers" which I did and nothing happened. The leaves still bounced back and I still had to holler, "Hubby, come push these leaves down!" every five seconds.

Raking leaves was entertaining to say the least, but the best part was the football and chili that happened after the leaves were gone!

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