Thursday, February 14, 2008


This was a weird Valentines Day.

First off I woke up late, and realized that my outfit for the day was rather, dark, but there was no time to pick out a replacement and blue was going to have to do for today.

Then while brushing my teeth my electric toothbrush ran out of I had to finish brushing the old-fashioned way. When I had finished I noticed something funny...something felt funny. I looked in the mirror and sure enough, a chunk of my right incisors was missing. Awesome. My four incisors are composed (at least 60% I would guess) of bonding material because they are pretty tiny. The chunk that came off, thankfully, was off the front of the tooth and not the from a distance nothing looks out of sync. Phew.

Tonight's "celebration" of St. Valentines' Day will include...get ready...class =( Husband has been gone all week, and will be coming home tonight =) Husband has contracted an illness of some sort that has been floating around his office (last week was his traveling buddy's turn to be sick) =( My first exam is in 13 days...I cannot afford to get sick...I feel overwhelmed enough as it is... This weekend will be spent studying and attempting not to get sick...and then Monday off he goes again for one last week of travel. He'll be back home just in time for my intense final review prep work for the exam. Not sure how I feel about any of this, but regardless, it's stressful either way.

Lastly, I made I<3U shaped cookies...and forgot to bring one with me today =(

At least tonight I will get a good night's sleep with everyone home as they should be in our house =)

Hopefully V-Day Take 2 will turn out a better less...strange.

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