Saturday, April 26, 2008


Today Kitty turned two years old. Quite an accomplishment in the home of the Bings I must say! We are pleased that we have successfully kept Kitty alive and well for the majority of her two years. That's way better than any of the plants we've attempted to keep alive (which we thought was a logical first step in preparing ourselves for children...apparently plants are harder than we anticipated...right or wrong, we quickly moved up to kitties.) We decided to give plants another go today, figuring Kitty has gone quite well, maybe it's time to "move up" in the journey to prepare for kids. Two planters had been purchased, along with our Christmas tree, back in October. Patiently they sat in the garage until springtime. After much deliberation, and reading of little plant ID tags, we settled on marigolds and geraniums.

We now have 3 3/4 cubic feet of potting soil in our garage. We don't estimate things very well. Anyone need any dirt?

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