Friday, December 3, 2010


So...I'm kind of obsessed with these guys...not sure who is cooler the guy that sings or the guy that produces the videos...both are kind of insane.

(Please disregard the tightness of the pants as this has caused distraction in some viewers who were given a preview of my obsession, BFF-M, talkin' to you here =P)


Megan said...

I'm just saying that in the one I saw it kind of looked like he was wearing a codpiece in the front. It was incredibly distracting.

Rachael said...

I agree, very distracting...I was more mystified by the fact that it is all the same guy edited together to look like a group and spent most of my time the first viewing trying to figure out if that was for reals. Bing was disappointed in your lack of enthusiasm...he will try again to find videos worthy of the ongoing Megan/Bing video trade ;-)