Thursday, April 12, 2007


Today I tried oatmeal for about the third time in my life. It is getting better with each try. I know it's full of "good" stuff and is supposed to do everything from fill you up all day to cure cancer, or something like that...

It just is such a strange texture. While wandering around the market last night I spied a variety box for $2 and decided perhaps it was time to try again. I have such a hard time with breakfast foods (you wouldn't think I would have a hard time with any foods...but alas, even I have my food breakdown moments). Today is Maple and Brown Sugar day. I almost exploded the oatmeal in the microwave as I have seen coworkers do so many times before. One minute it's all chill and hanging out in the bottom of the bowl, the next it's crazy reaching for the sky! Insane. How does it grow so fast? Guess once it gets to a certain temperature it just goes crazy. Weird. All in all it's not too bad today for a breakfast choice, especially since it's raining and gross outside...always nice to feel warm on the inside.

The oatmeal is gone and I'm still alive. So far so good...

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