Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Although I had high hopes for this recent article from Time magazine it was not near as forthcoming as the title made it out to be: The Real Problem with Credit Cards: The Cardholders.  (But what did I honestly expect from Time?  Seriously, you fail me on a consistent basis.)  No where did it boil down this issue to living within your means, or making wise decisions concerning your credit score which you carry with you for life.  Seriously, how difficult is the concept to grasp that if you are paying with credit that you intend to not pay off at the end of your billing cycle, you are not paying with cash or "real money"?  Is that the credit card company's fault?  Of course not.  Is that your fault. Ultimately, yes.  Most of the folks that get in trouble aren't putting groceries on their credit cards, they are putting electronics, vacations, college expenses for students with no plan for a job when they graduate with a degree that leaves them pretty much as unskilled as when they first stepped on campus.  The credit card companies are just like any other business.  If there is a market, they will sell.  Why else would I spent $3.60 for a latte?  Because Starbucks knows I cannot resist the Tall Non-Fat Sugar-Free Hazelnut Latte that makes my heart flutter.  I'm just sayin', don't get mad at Starbucks, they aren't the problem.
...and heck no, nobody wants PB-HO to try and "fix" Starbucks.  Ugh, hasn't he tampered with enough already?  Let's not give him anymore ideas...

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