Friday, June 27, 2008


The next few days are full of anticipation.

I kinda like it =)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am coming down the home-stretch, albeit slightly behind where I would like to be at this point in the race. My study schedule for the next 17 days looks a little something like this:

Wednesday - Attend Lecture #8
Thursday - Complete homework from Lecture #5
Friday - Complete homework from Lecture #6
Saturday - Sunday - No studying; road trip time!
Monday - Complete homework from Lecture #7 (begin #8) and attend Lecture #9
Tuesday - Complete homework from Lecture #8, begin #9
Wednesday - Complete homework from Lecture #9
Thursday - rest
Friday - Supplemental Questions and Simulations from Lectures #1-#5
Saturday - Supplemental Questions and Simulations from Lectures #5-#9
Sunday - Practice Tests
Monday - Practice Test
Tuesday - Practice Test
Wednesday - Practice Test
Thursday - Practice Test
Friday - Practice Tests until Husband and BFF-T force me to go to sleep.
Saturday - 8:30am EXAM TIME -- followed by fun, friends, and Brad Paisley 0=)

No later than noon-thirty I will be finished studying for at least two months when I get my last score back...then we can see if the "real" party can begin.

Monday, June 23, 2008


This article was undeniably disturbing. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 70% of "religious" Americans believe many religions can lead to eternal life. Of those 57% professed to be evangelical church attenders.

How are so many people missing this crucial point?

Has the widespread "preaching" (not necessarily by pastors, but by the news media, and modern-society in general) of religious tolerance has lead to acceptance and a very confused people? I tend to think so. While respect for each and every living thing is something I can totally get behind, tolerance of differing beliefs to the point where your own belief becomes meaningless is ridiculous!

Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. How can that be misconstrued by anyone sitting in a truly evangelical church?

Cal Thomas weighed in on the results of this survey and put, much more eloquently than I, forth his views on his Fox News Blog. I'm sure he'll get plenty of crap for this one...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Nothing beats the crap out of a slow mind-numbing week like savouring the first spoonful of peanut butter from a fresh jar...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Dating is rough. Growing up I always had friends that dated, so there was never the instance where a friend started dating someone I really didn't know, but then later got to know them and become friends with them (maybe once or twice, but it was definitely not the norm). Now that I have grown up and no longer date myself, it's quite difficult to be friends with people who date people who are not already included in your circle of friends. More specifically, it's hard when the couple is no longer dating, but now this other-half whom you have become close to, is not longer part of "the circle" anymore. I don't like getting broken-up with either...

Sunday, June 15, 2008


So, oddly enough today we watched the movie Juno. This is ironic because not only was it Fathers' Day (oh Jason Bateman...) but it was my Adoption Day. How's that for irony?

We had rented Juno Saturday, but didn't end up watching it until Sunday afternoon. I had mixed feelings. Ellen Page was hilarious and her on-screen family was amazing. The adoptive "family" however struck a nerve or two. I hated how the movie painted Jennifer Garner's character as the "crazy" one, rather than her dead-beat husband. It was like they were trying to make the audience love Jason Bateman's character for his connection with Juno, which I frankly thought was ridiculously inappropriate. He embodied so many of the shortcomings of the modern-man from his laziness to giving up on his marriage when it wasn't working for him. Then there was the kicker which hit one of my pet peeves...Jennifer Garner's character adopted the baby anyway.

So close.

At least we got to see what we think we would be like when we have kids. Our sense of humor runs much more along these lines...sarcasm will abound. Definitely nice to see something "real" and not too far on the side of "the most beautiful experience in the world". That's so not going to be we won't feel guilty =P

Friday, June 13, 2008


This little guy and his buddy (who was all black instead of red and black...he ran away before we could get the camera) were on our sidewalk out front this afternoon. I gasped and "sucked all the oxygen out of the vicinity" when I saw them (at least that's what Husband said when I started dancing and pointing and generally freaking out). Now, I'm not normally one to freak over bugs and whatnot, but I hate snakes and anything snake-like. I also tend to not wear shoes when I'm outside so that made me a little more freakish since the thought of stepping on one of these little guys made me want to vomit (guess I now have something new to add to the list).

We live in Northern Virginia, not Hawaii. This is not okay.

What is this thing anyway?!?!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
~Henry Ford

Finally some sense...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"No matter which of us wins in November, there will be change in Washington. The question is what kind of change?"
~Sen. John McCain

Cut taxes (leading to increase in consumer spending) vs. Raise taxes (decrease in consumer spending)

No more AMT (more money in the hands of the middle class) vs. AMT (Continuing to screw the middle class)

Decrease Government Spending vs. Hold Steady (which really means Increase Government Spending, see next two items below)

Corporate Job Creation vs. Government Job Creation (tax dollars/government spending)

No Government Mortgage Bailout vs. Government Funded Mortgage Bailout (more tax dollars/government spending)

Alternative Fuel Incentives (Including Nuclear Energy) vs. Tax Oil Corporations more (driving consumer prices up)

Capitalism vs. Socialism

McCain vs. Obama

I guess "economics" wasn't Obama's best subject, huh?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My life summed up in six words:

All for The One and Only.

See BFF-MD's blog for more information about this blog post.

Monday, June 9, 2008


I love Reese Puffs cereal. Could I ask for a more perfect breakfast food/late-night snack? No. No, I could not. Crunchy, sweet, peanut buttery, "nutritious"'s so many things.

I mean, it has got to be better for me than eating peanut butter straight from the jar, right?

I mean, really, who does that?!?!



What if real life was like Facebook...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I'm 95% certain that the next 4 1/2 months are going to be full of Rach gag-reflexes. My apologies in advance, but since the American public has decided to be so disappointing, ridiculous, and, well, just plain stupid, you really leave me with no choice. You brought this on yourselves little ones, you brought this on yourselves.

Cal Thomas wrote an article that was on FoxNews today. Bold claims, bold truths, was it appropriate? I have no idea, but he definitely hits home on one of my hot buttons (i.e., universalism). I remember seeing Cal Thomas when I was in grade school at a retreat with my parents. Granted, all I really remember was that he was taller than any man I had ever seen before. Since then I have read some of his work in the newspapers and such.

A word of warning; don't read the "Comments" section below...that is, unless you enjoy screaming at your computer screen in frustration while people claim that an apple is really a pear.
