Monday, December 22, 2008


Husband and I have several Christmas traditions. It was told to us early in our marriage that most couples make the mistake of not creating traditions in their home until children come along, but that really, some traditions should start even while it is just the two of us. We took that advice to heart, and so far have had a blast with our traditions.

One of our favorites is watching Opus N' Bill in a Wish for Wings That Work. Sadly, we have not upgraded our copy from VHS (although we have upgraded from the version Husband taped off the TV in 1991 to a legitimate copy) but we were able to find this precious gem on can really find anything on YouTube, can't you? Odd that this is one of our favorites since we have made the decision that Santa will not have a place in our home once children arrive...

...Truffles the pig is my fav =)

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