Friday, January 1, 2010


In 2010 I resolve to:

  1. Add one new dinner recipe to my repertoire per month (only "keepers" count, who knows how many new recipes I'll have to try in a month!)

    --> Blog through the kitchen adventures of 2010 on the Kitchen Adventures blog I set up and then never updated in 2009.
  2. Read one book per month (Round 2).
  3. Reassess the gardening situation in the backyard.
  4. Limit myself to only 1 flat tire this year (4 was a bit excessive this year) 0=)
  5. Develop a successful routine that includes Quiet Time, Hubby Time, Baby Time, and maybe even Me Time.
  6. Come up with a stellar entrepreneurial idea with Mrs. R. that will be amazingly successful and make the hubbies proud ;-)

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