Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My navy heels were brought back from the depths of my closet this morning. Due to certain factors that we need not discuss, they can no longer be worn in the summer sans has been chilly enough that today I deemed pantyhose and acceptable means of not freezing my toes off and out came the navy heels.

While walking around the office I quickly realized why the beloved shoes were not my chosen "favorites" anymore as they had been when I first purchased them over 3 years be more specific, in the summer of 2004.

Back to the issue at former favorite navy heels...squeak. However, only the left one makes the offensive noise, but since I am 100% human, I use both of my legs and, therefore, feet, when I walk. This is highly embarrassing in my eerily quite office and it leads me to my question of the day...

Question: Can squeaky heels be repaired?

Second question: how does one explain said squeakiness to the employees at the store repair store (i.e. the cobbler, not of the fruit variety)?

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