Monday, September 15, 2008


Jesus, The One and Only
By Beth Moore

Love me some Beth Moore. I had been far too long since I had read one of Beth's books. I love the way she tells stories, and the way her personality comes across through her writing. There are always many "huh, never thought about it that way/for that long/in that light/with that much depth" moments and I'm not sure I can pick a stand-out. I would have to say it was similar to Believing God that a read a few years ago, but not quite. Both are excellent intros into Beth Moore if you are ever interested. I definitely don't say that about just any of her books or studies. Some are not for everyone and must be driven by the need, the quest, to confront one's past head-on with full knowledge that you will be attacked by The Enemy while doing so, only because he is frightened that you will let go, and let God, rather than yourself, deal with your life.

Jesus, The One and Only is definitely a keeper and would make an awesome small group study, as well as a quiet time/devotional guide for personal study.

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