Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Inefficiency is something that really annoys me. I mean, why would you want to do something in a way that was not efficient? Who doesn't want to have less of their time wasted?

Granted I am an accountant and tend to be overly organized and on the verge of obsessive compulsive by nature...but still...I know plenty of messy slobs that are equally as annoyed by inefficiencies in their lives. Take the artsy journalist (okay, so not necessarily a "messy slob" but probably an individual who lives moment to moment rather than living by a To-Do list) who spends their days at Starbucks, drinking, writing, reading...they do not want to have to wait for the same person who takes their money for their latte to then have to wash-up, and begin to make their latte. No. We want to separate teams of people, one group for taking our money, and the other to start the tasty beverage as soon as it is called...in the hopes that after putting our wallets away we can head straight to the coffee bar to pick up our beverage of choice. Okay, so this goes far beyond coffee. I realize that much of my life is wasted by my being inefficient in the way I do things...take my two hour trips to the grocery store. (Granted the grocery store I frequent is huge and sometimes I get turned around...and usually eat my lunch while I'm there...but still..seems like an awful long time to me.)

I am an awesome project planner, and starter...but I'm not so good at the finishing part. Perhaps its the frustration I feel when I am in the middle of something and things are not proceeding quite as I had planned. When I was small I used to tell my grandfather, 'I just go with the flow." Now that seems almost foreign to me. "Go with the flow? How can I when this isn't how it was 'supposed to be'?" Instead of "where do we go from here" I'm trapped in the mindset of "how do we get back to where we deviated from The Plan" and continue on as, well, planned.

Wow, I think I've gone way further inefficient here in this far corner of my little brain...perhaps this requires more thought...

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