Friday, July 6, 2007


I really did have an awesome Texas blog...but apparently it did not post. Sometimes Blogger fails me and I become sad....usually that's when I haven't chosen to copy my blog into a Word doc. or something similar to ensure it's survival to "post" mode. It's been far too long and now I do not remember my trip quite so well...other than the roads in Texas are ridiculous and no matter how many times Husband mentions "Oh I could live there!" I still cringe at the thought...

It's been entirely too long since I last blogged...perhaps because LOST is over for the season and I haven't been attempting to make sense of the show on a regular basis (although don't think that the wheels have stopped turning...maybe sometime this summer I'll make a gigantic post...we'll see.)

Really I think the reason for my disappearance is my lack of motivation. Why am I so un-motivated? Whether it be a lack of motivation to work, to read, to study, to blog, to go outside of the house...I feel surrounded by a lack of motivation. How can someone feel surrounded by a lack of, well, anything? It's a strange feeling...

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