Monday, June 23, 2008


This article was undeniably disturbing. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 70% of "religious" Americans believe many religions can lead to eternal life. Of those 57% professed to be evangelical church attenders.

How are so many people missing this crucial point?

Has the widespread "preaching" (not necessarily by pastors, but by the news media, and modern-society in general) of religious tolerance has lead to acceptance and a very confused people? I tend to think so. While respect for each and every living thing is something I can totally get behind, tolerance of differing beliefs to the point where your own belief becomes meaningless is ridiculous!

Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. How can that be misconstrued by anyone sitting in a truly evangelical church?

Cal Thomas weighed in on the results of this survey and put, much more eloquently than I, forth his views on his Fox News Blog. I'm sure he'll get plenty of crap for this one...

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