Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I'm 95% certain that the next 4 1/2 months are going to be full of Rach gag-reflexes. My apologies in advance, but since the American public has decided to be so disappointing, ridiculous, and, well, just plain stupid, you really leave me with no choice. You brought this on yourselves little ones, you brought this on yourselves.

Cal Thomas wrote an article that was on FoxNews today. Bold claims, bold truths, was it appropriate? I have no idea, but he definitely hits home on one of my hot buttons (i.e., universalism). I remember seeing Cal Thomas when I was in grade school at a retreat with my parents. Granted, all I really remember was that he was taller than any man I had ever seen before. Since then I have read some of his work in the newspapers and such.

A word of warning; don't read the "Comments" section below...that is, unless you enjoy screaming at your computer screen in frustration while people claim that an apple is really a pear.


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