Friday, March 30, 2007


What came first, the chicken or the egg?

This was never a huge philosophical dilemma in my mind. It was quite the opposite actually, a very simple answer. Chicken. Call it my black and white interpretation of life (as I have been accused of having from time to time...okay probably more often than if you will, but some of the "big" questions that people throw around, really aren't as big as they seem. At least not to me. Life is not just bunch of circular questions with not beginning and no ending to me. Perhaps this is why I am "good" at my chosen profession...

Some may laugh, some may mock, some may make that awful, "psshfffttt" noise that tends to happen during disagreements but I have always been in the "God said it, I believe it" mindset. In Genesis 1 it says that God created animals, including livestock (to me that says chickens were included). Case closed. Chickens before eggs. The end. How much interpretation could their really be on the following phrase: God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. Sounds pretty "end of discussion" to me.

So why all the fuss? Why is "Chicken or the Egg" such a trademark for the circular questions that people come up with today? Are circular questions only relevant for those who do not "believe"?

Apparently I was feeling rather philosophical today...thanks for bearing with me.

For the record, eggs make me want to vomit.

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