Wednesday, March 21, 2007


"Please do not be jealous of my exceptional motivation and productivity, you slacker. You who cannot even make your way to Target for a simple wedding gift."

I was really called out on my procrastination today. I have been meaning to order this wedding gift for the past few weeks now from Now it's too close to the actual wedding date and I must venture into a Target store to make my purchase...that and Hubby kinda reminded me that the item I wanted to purchase would probably end up costing me double after paying for shipping. Ever the optimist I decided that I could make this gift more exciting by delivering it personally a mere seven hours from my home and adding a few tidbits to the gift to really make it stand out...or something like that.

When did I become such a procrastinator? I guess I really have been one all my life now that I think about it. Even when it came to things I do for fun, like scrapbooking, I still procrastinate sometimes because I want things to be "perfect" and sometimes because I just become bored. It's why I can't commit to an exercise routine, choose a hobby, complete a study method, finish reading a book, or even to dropping one of my "regular" TV shows when I know I watch entirely too much TV. Is this truly procrastination, or a fear of completion? Perhaps it's not the starting that is such a daunting task, but rather the finishing of a task...the unknown that looms after the completion that really is my problem. Sometimes perhaps I should just get off my butt and do something rather than try to rationalize my actions...

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