Monday, March 10, 2008


I was horribly offended this afternoon while reading an article on the recent film "Juno". The message of the article was that giving a child up for adoption leaves the birth mother with a sense of guilt and a depression equal to that of losing a child to death.


Giving a child up for adoption when you are an unmarried woman should make you feel anything but guilty! (You can feel horrible for choosing to be unfaithful to your future spouse, I won't argue with you there at all.) How selfish have we become? Do these women really think they are better fit as a single-parent (they obviously have shown great discretion in their extra-curricular activities and ability to care for oneself in the past...ha!)

As I have said since I first realized my history, I am proud of my birth mother for choosing the road she did. If she EVER told me she felt guilty, that pride would swiftly wash away. I would rather live my life not knowing her true feelings than to live knowing I'd rather kick my birth mother in the face than give her a hug.

Chaulk another one up on the "con" list for "ID-ing Birth Mother".

For more thoughts see a few recent Dr. Laura posts on a similar issues:
Disgarded Babies
Next Time, Try Marriage

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