Wednesday, March 19, 2008


How does one deal with traditional parents in these modern times?

That was the subtitle to an article I read today which was a Q&A addressing the issue: His parents are against us 'living in sin'. It really made me stop and people really see this viewpoint is "tradition" and "out-dated"? Does the general public feel that marriage is "traditional" and "out-dated"?

One thing that I love about the Christian faith, MY faith, is that it transcends time. My values which have been shaped by my faith are not "traditional" or "out-dated", they are Truth. Sure I may "respect" you and your beliefs, but I will NEVER tell you I agree with them, or tell your that you might be right too (see blog post "Controversy" on absolute truth if you are having a hard time with this...) These parents should feel free to speak the truth in love into the lives of their children and their significant others. The key here is "in love"...which I know for myself can be so difficult when speaking truth about something that to me is second nature, or a "no brainer". I think it's something all of us could use a little extra care when handling...

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