Thursday, October 4, 2007


$5 million here, $10 million here, oh look $22 million over there...

What in the world?! All we hear Congress talk about are the budget constraints they are facing, not enough money for the war, not enough money for health care coverage, not enough money for stem-cell research, I mean science (which is far too tied to federal funding in my opinion anyway, but a blog for another day) not enough money for all Federal officials to be able to fly first-class (so sad for them). Perhaps if they used their mad fundraising skills for good I would feel more positively about any one of the presidential candidates running amok, most of which scorning their elected duties of being our Congressmen and woman by running about the country in search of supporters and funds. I am not sure about you, but if I decided not to show up for my JOB and instead pursued my "next" career that would not be taken well at all. I doubt the my current employer would be very happy, but lets not forget about the potential replacement employer. Who wants someone who is always focused on "the next big thing" and avoids completing their current task by any means possible? I'm sorry, but when I vote you into office, you had BETTER be present and voting (preferable in my chosen mindset if the person elected is the person I voted for in the first place) and EVERY Congressional vote. None of this abstaining and none of this "not present at time of voting". I mean really, you get insanely long breaks from being "in session" and really, is it that hard to show up for work? I mean, I do it. How in the world am I supposed to believe you will take the "interests of the working middle class" to heart if you freaking can't be a hard-working individual?

But back to the issue at hand...all this money. Use it where it's needed. We live in age of the Internet and Podcasting, and online journals...why do you physically need to travel around the country wasting that precious money that could so be used for a greater cause? Why?

This is absurd.

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