Thursday, October 18, 2007


So much talk over a little dog. I didn't even have to hear the whole story to figure out the problem soon as I heard, "Ellen got a dog from a rescue agency and gave it to...." I knew it was over. You can't do that.

One of three things the cat rescue agency we got our kitties from said before we were even allowed to apply for them was "if you chose not to keep the cats for any reason you must return them to us so that we can find them a good home," (in addition to they must be spayed/neutered and you cannot get them declawed). We asked for how long that rule applied, they said forever. "So in 5 years if we decide to move and we can't take them...." Hubby and I started to say. "We'll take them back regardless," they said. That was that. We learned how to clip nails and made appointments for sterilization (check and check).

Six weeks later when Tucker was still not recovering properly from the tail fiasco we knew we could not keep him. So we called up the cat rescue agency and arranged to drop him off at their animal clinic with the vet of their choice. We were refunded our adoption fee and that was that.

We followed the rules.

I am not an animal fanatic, but I assume rules are there for a reason, and the people who choose to make their life's work around animals certainly are more capable of setting these rules than I am. This is not a crazy rule, but rather standard for pet rescue agencies as opposed to humane society programs.


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